Understanding why your brain won't be quiet
Why Won't Your Brain Shut Up?
"I can't sit still that long..."
"My brain never stops..."
"I've tried to meditate, but nothing happens..."
These are the three most common things I hear from frustrated meditation students. Why won't your brain give you a quiet moment when you need it to? Because you have never taught it to!
At it's root, meditation is about learning to control the mind. Your brain is just trying to do it's job...the way it has learned to do it's job. Your brain, not your mind, is running you biological show. Your brain sends a signal to your mind, and your mind pops in to nag you about the bills, or your work schedule, or a looming event. You experience this as intrusive thoughts.
In order to quiet the mind, we must teach the brain new habits. The brain is an amazing machine--it adapts to any environment by creating various coping mechanisms to keep you safe and alive. As you move forward you are going to learn techniques to re-train your brain. As you re-train your brain, you will begin learning how to control your mind.
You can do this!
I have taught these techniques to hundreds of students all over the world. What I need from you is dedication to following your new meditation routine, and willingness to change old habits to new ones. You can do it!